Monday 25 January 2010

The Prolonged Silence from Paisley's Pulpit.

The Prolonged Silence from Paisley’s Pulpit.

In the past, public denunciations against immorality, political compromise, ecumenism and apostasy, poured from the Free Presbyterian pulpits, like white hot lava from a volcano. Now there is an ominous silence, as the words ‘never, never, never’ drift further and further away into the confusion of the past.

What has happened to the once strong voice of Protestantism?, where are all the cries of spiritual and political sell out now? Could this silence be the precursor of eventual recantation? Maybe, the present moderator does not share the position that his predecessor had once taken?

Could this deafening silence in the pulpit, have anything to do with two differing political parties, now occupying the pews? Perhaps the pulpits have been infected by the virus of compromise or pragmatism?

So many possibilities appear, but whatever the reason, Paisley’s pulpit is no longer able to proclaim the separatist message, ‘come out from among them and be ye separate’. This is particularly sad, at a time when society is being destroyed with humanism and atheism; a time when church testimonies are being ruined by compromise; and at a time when God’s people are discouraged, disillusioned and discredited.

Rev Mervyn Cotton (Heb 13:6)

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