Sunday 22 November 2009

Anti Social Behaviour.

There is a concerted effort to remove Biblical teaching from society, and to openly deny the existence of God, the end result of this is anti social behaviour. Any society deprived of the teaching and discipline which God's Word brings will inevitably be the poorer and the more badly behaved.

The natural man, left to himself, will sink deeper and deeper into sin and will engage in reproachful behaviour. The Word of God could be likened unto a life raft, which will carry all that climb aboard by faith, to finding peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. When a person is reconciled unto God through salvation, which is by grace alone and through Christ alone, then that person becomes a new creature in Christ. 'Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new.' (2Cor5:17) The person that is saved by grace will be transformed from the old ways of sin and will live to God's glory in their community. When the apostle Paul preached, the cities of Corinth, Athens, Antioch and Philippi were transformed by the power of God's Word. When preachers like, Wesley, Whitfield, Fenney, Moody and Spurgeon brought the Word of God to the people, entire communities were transformed. Bad behaviour was replaced by God fearing, decent, law abiding and upright living.

Labour's Communities Secretary, John Denham, has announced a £10 million package, which is to be targeted at 130 local councils to tackle anti social behaviour. Can I say that this is a crying shame, to throw away tax payers money in a vain attempt to get society to behave better. No amount of money could ever lift a society out of the pit of sin, no amount of human effort could ever transform a life. If society is ever to be improved, if anti social behaviour is ever to be sensibly tackled there needs to be Divine, not governmental, intervention.

Humanism Set To Destroy Families.

Recently the final phase of the atheist bus campaign was launched by humanist activist Ariane Sherine. This atheist bill board campaign is set to challenge the idea that children can be labelled with their parents religion. Such is the obsession with humanists today, that they are now bent on destroying the right of families to enjoy civil and religious liberty.

I am speaking from a Christian point of view and take exception to the reckless and intrusive approach of secular humanism as it seeks to destroy Christian homes and families. Christian parents have a God given right and responsibility to bring their children into contact with the Word of God from the earliest days. I feel that it is morally wrong for any organization to sow the seeds of rebellion and discord among children in an attempt to convert them to atheism.

It is a privilege for children to be born into a family where the Word of God is honoured and obeyed. God the Son did not think it wrong to be born into a Jewish family, nor did He think it reprehensible to be called a Jew. Once more the Humanist movement pitch their human reasoning and experience above and beyond that of Almighty God.

The Bible teaches that, 'children are an heritage of the LORD' (Psalm127:3); furthermore the Word of God directs parents to teach their children the Scriptures, 'And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house,' (Deut6:7) In the New Testament, young Timothy was not ashamed, nor stigmatised to be brought up under the Word of God; (2Tim1:5) 'When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.'

Where these humanist posters appear, I appeal to all Christians to voice their objection and register their complaint, within the law, at every possible level so that our children and grandchildren be not converted to the anti God religion of atheism.

Humanist / Atheist Utopia.

Perhaps what humanists and atheists fail to understand is this; by removing God and His Word from society, this will lead to a spiritual vacuum, leaving the way open for eventual satanic occupation and control.

Personally, I am all for fair minded debate, but let's all face the simple facts; if secular humanists and atheists achieve their objectives, and all world God based religions are removed, what then? Will this create a humanistic or atheistic utopia? No, but what it will create, will be a platform or world stage unto which Antichrist will climb. There will be no barrier or defense structure at all then, against occult practice and full Satanic dominance. When Satanic forces bear rule, there would be no appeal to courts of human rights, there would be no evolutionary process to remove the oppression, there would be no power of human reasoning able to resist the force of evil, and, as for atheism, sadly after giving place to, it must surrender to, and worship the devil.

Without being alarmist, I am more convinced than ever before that we are perhaps, closer to the Great Tribulation period than anyone knows. This will be a time when Satan will appear to be in control for a short period, prior to the end of this age. Whatever the disposition of heart or mind of the people in such a coming time, worship of Satan will not be an option, it will be obligatory on pain of death.

'And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.' (Rev13:15)

Before you condemn this comment, as some type of apocalyptic, or eschatological rant, at least face the facts of the debate, and consider what the future would hold for a Godless state, or a Godless world.

Friday 20 November 2009

The Vatican Star Gazers

The Times carried the headline recently,'alien life forms 'plausible' says Vatican astronomer.'

The thought that life forms exist elsewhere in the universe is absurd in the extreme, but worse still, this suggestion strikes at the Word of God. When God created the universe out of nothing and chronicled that great event in His infallible and inerrant Word, He left no gaps for fallen man to fill in. Mortal man is all to ready to make up or invent what he thinks is missing from God's word. There is nothing missing, neither is there any room for imperfect man's imagination to run wild.

There is no mention in the Word of God of life elsewhere in the universe, if life did exist on other planets or galaxies, then Almighty God would have revealed it in His Word. Why go chasing after that which does not exist? Why suggest the existence of something when there is no evidence to support the investigation? The 'plausibility of alien life forms' is only another cynical attempt to prop up the rotten erroneous edifice of evolution. Skeptics, humanists and atheists are making a desperate attempt to discredit the Holy Bible, especially the truth of God's creation, in an attempt to deny the existence of God.

The treacherous inference that alien life form exists, is to remove every trace of the great doctrine of redemption from the Word of God. The Bible says in (1Tim1:15) 'This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;' Christ came into this world, not any other, to 'seek and to save that which was lost'.

The Vatican must be hard up at the moment for members, not only is it seeking to russell the C O E clerics, but now is chasing after aliens.

The Fall of the House of Saul

I have read an article recently in the Belfast Telegraph regarding ‘The fall of the House of Paisley’ which I found interesting in a strange sort of way. What I mean is that, the title certainly caught my attention. Presently I feel duty bound to furnish some background detail which will add some focus to, ‘The fall of the House of Paisley’.

In 1993, as a licensed minister in the Free Presbyterian church, I resigned from the Presbytery and from the local congregation, the reason being, that I felt the church had fallen away from the scriptural standards it once had aspired to, and had compromised God’s Word; in a word my resignation was because of apostasy in the camp. I have not given detail or background to my resignation at this point in time because space would not permit.

You may well ask, what has this to do with the ‘fall of the House of Paisley’? When the Reformed Free Presbyterian church was founded in 1993, it was the object of critism, abuse and vilification from some prominent Free Presbyterians. However, there was a series of messages preached, at that time, in the Reformed Free Presbyterian church, on ‘The fall of the House of Saul’, which depicted the ‘big man’, Saul, falling away from the commandment of Almighty God and loosing political high office, along with a prominent position in the church. So, therefore, long before the outward cracks appeared, the inward corruption and rebellion were already at work in the Free Presbyterian church, or as the messages put it, ‘the House of Saul’. The ‘House of Paisley’, just like the ‘House of Saul’ started well, and for a time stood strong, yet in the end, sadly both of these fell and great has been their fall. Personally I am saddened by what has happened, because so many people have been let down, spiritually and politically.

The Belefast Telegraph's article refered to what has happened after the Free Presbyterian church compromised its position, relative to the doctrine of separation. Years before ‘the House of Paisley’ began to tremble; the warning had already been sounded by the Reformed Free Presbyterian church, concerning the fall of ‘the House of Saul’. As Mr Paisley’s party and church were inextricably linked, that which shook one was felt in the other. To suggest that, the ‘fall of the House of Paisley’ was the result of political intrigue or subterfuge alone, would only reveal half of the picture. The foundations of ‘the House of Saul’ had been destroyed, and the collapse was inevitable; so too ‘the House of Paisley’. The Word of God states, ‘If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?’ (Psalm11:3)

What is the conclusion to all of this? Well, in my opinion, the DUP have lost the support and guidance of the Free Presbyterian church. No more calls for days of prayer and fasting to seek divine help in times of political crises. They are left now without a spiritual leader, as was once said, ‘a mighty man of God, brought to the kingdom for such a time as this’. The party is left to stand or fall, as the electorate begin to regain consciousness.

Regarding the Free Presbyterian church, things are very different now that Mr Paisley has stood down as moderator. The church now is facing a great dilemma, the founding father and political leader has stood down, political sermons such as ‘the south wind blew softly’ are hardly relevant now; the doctrine of separation has been shredded by the former moderator. The scriptural statement, ‘Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing;’ (2Cor6:17), will be very difficult to proclaim without causing great offence. No longer can it shout ‘pope head’ or ‘apostate’ at its antagonists without shaming its former moderator; the stand it once made against, secularism, humanism, liberalism, Roman Catholicism and apostasy, has been seriously compromised. Perhaps you disagree with me here, but let me put it like this; when a church or denomination would call for days of prayer and fasting to seek divine intervention on any matter, and then to do the very opposite themselves, this type of action ought to be repented of. Furthermore, when a church or denomination would vehemently condemn others for walking disorderly, as professing Christians, and then to be found totally out of step themselves, then this needs to be put right.

‘The fall of the House of Saul’ is chronicled in the Word of God, and is there as a warning to all who are ‘saved by grace’, that they might not be persuaded by the people to compromise their position before Almighty God.

I wonder what lessons will be gleaned from ‘the fall of the House of Paisley’, as perhaps one day it will be chronicled in the pages of secular history?