Sunday 22 November 2009

Humanist / Atheist Utopia.

Perhaps what humanists and atheists fail to understand is this; by removing God and His Word from society, this will lead to a spiritual vacuum, leaving the way open for eventual satanic occupation and control.

Personally, I am all for fair minded debate, but let's all face the simple facts; if secular humanists and atheists achieve their objectives, and all world God based religions are removed, what then? Will this create a humanistic or atheistic utopia? No, but what it will create, will be a platform or world stage unto which Antichrist will climb. There will be no barrier or defense structure at all then, against occult practice and full Satanic dominance. When Satanic forces bear rule, there would be no appeal to courts of human rights, there would be no evolutionary process to remove the oppression, there would be no power of human reasoning able to resist the force of evil, and, as for atheism, sadly after giving place to, it must surrender to, and worship the devil.

Without being alarmist, I am more convinced than ever before that we are perhaps, closer to the Great Tribulation period than anyone knows. This will be a time when Satan will appear to be in control for a short period, prior to the end of this age. Whatever the disposition of heart or mind of the people in such a coming time, worship of Satan will not be an option, it will be obligatory on pain of death.

'And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.' (Rev13:15)

Before you condemn this comment, as some type of apocalyptic, or eschatological rant, at least face the facts of the debate, and consider what the future would hold for a Godless state, or a Godless world.

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