Friday 20 November 2009

The Vatican Star Gazers

The Times carried the headline recently,'alien life forms 'plausible' says Vatican astronomer.'

The thought that life forms exist elsewhere in the universe is absurd in the extreme, but worse still, this suggestion strikes at the Word of God. When God created the universe out of nothing and chronicled that great event in His infallible and inerrant Word, He left no gaps for fallen man to fill in. Mortal man is all to ready to make up or invent what he thinks is missing from God's word. There is nothing missing, neither is there any room for imperfect man's imagination to run wild.

There is no mention in the Word of God of life elsewhere in the universe, if life did exist on other planets or galaxies, then Almighty God would have revealed it in His Word. Why go chasing after that which does not exist? Why suggest the existence of something when there is no evidence to support the investigation? The 'plausibility of alien life forms' is only another cynical attempt to prop up the rotten erroneous edifice of evolution. Skeptics, humanists and atheists are making a desperate attempt to discredit the Holy Bible, especially the truth of God's creation, in an attempt to deny the existence of God.

The treacherous inference that alien life form exists, is to remove every trace of the great doctrine of redemption from the Word of God. The Bible says in (1Tim1:15) 'This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;' Christ came into this world, not any other, to 'seek and to save that which was lost'.

The Vatican must be hard up at the moment for members, not only is it seeking to russell the C O E clerics, but now is chasing after aliens.

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