Friday 2 April 2010

Free Presbyterianism finally embraced the Spirit of Ecumenism

Free Presbyterianism finally embraced the Spirit of Ecumenism

With the doctrine of separation abandoned, Paisleyism entered into government, against all its former principles and pledges, with people that have never unequivocally repudiated their terrorist links in the past. There is a moral question here that Free Presbyterians have to address; if terrorism and murder is wrong then how can a minister of their church sit down and laugh together with those that have not renounced the evil of past atrocities associated with their political party?

Now that Rev Ian Paisley is no longer in political high office, this does not remove the former moral question from Free Presbyterians, it still hangs unanswered. Compromise from a former scriptural position of separation can never be acceptable; this is nothing more than wicked apostasy.

Rev Ian Paisley appears to be convinced that Sinn Fein have repented from their former ways; where is the evidence to support this notion in the absence of Sinn Fein’s repudiation of former IRA terrorism? It appears that Rev Paisley has embraced the kind of ecumenical parlance that he once condemned.

Rev Mervyn Cotton (Heb13:6)

1 comment:

  1. Rev. Cotton:

    Since Ian Paisley entered into dialogue with Archbishop Brady back in October of 2006, he has continued to travel down the path of ecumenical compromise.

    In July of 2007, as reported in the Belfast Telegraph, in an article tellingly entitled, 'I'm glad to stand with her', Ian Paisley commends the Roman Catholic faith of singer / writer Dana, that which he has himself denounced as the religion of anti-christ in an article entitled: ‘Be the Soul of Europe’ – Pope Tells Bishops … ‘The Church is the Key to the European Union’ – Pope has told the Continent’s bishops’ at his European Institute of Protestant Studies (EIPS) website here:

    In the Fridays, 7th & 14th December 2007 issue of the 'English Churchman', in an article entitled: 'Irish acclaim for Anti-Christ' consider the comment of Richard Bennett, Christian Apologist & former R.C. Priest:

    “The tragedy of the whole media reporting since Archbishop Brady was elevated has been a statement issued upon his appointment by the Irish Catholic Communications Office at Maynooth in County Kildare expressing his gratitude to the Office of First Minister and Deputy First Minister for a
    congratulatory statement issued. In a diplomatic answer, Dr Brady said he was not sure to what extent First Minister, Ian Paisley, DUP leader and Free Presbyterian Moderator hadbeen involved in the congratulations [Irish News 18 Nov].

    Most certainly we live in changed days in Northern Ireland. There has been a call by
    SDLP minister in the NI Executive, Margaret Ritchie for Dr Paisley to host a reception at Stormont to recognize Ireland’s newest Cardinal. The question must be asked, how can someone who denounced the Papacy in the European Parliament in 1988 even consider honouring the ambassador of the
    Roman Anti-Christ in Ireland? Furthermore as one observes the clergy involved in such ecumenical treachery one wonders, as Richard Bennett has declared, how they are able to honour the Lord Jesus
    Christ without recognizing the Anti-Christ and all that he represents.”

    More recently in April of 2009 Ian Paisley enjoyed the accolades of the 'Irish Ecumenical News'
    who reported:

    Ecumenical witness

    The words of the Catholic priest who led his parishioners in praying for the souls of the dead soldiers inspired Dr Ian Paisley Senior to remark in the House of Commons that ‘this was one of the greatest speeches I’ve ever heard from a man of the cloth.’ (Irish Times editorial 11/3/09).

    This simple act of witnessing together inspired further ecumenical actions in other towns and communities around the island following the murder of a police officer in Lurgan 48 hours later. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Constable Stephen Carroll and others killed and
    injured by this recent outbreak of violence.
    It would appear another striking parallel emerges between the pope of Rome and Ian Paisley
    for even as the pope of Rome enjoys immunity from prosecution in the cover up of the most heinous crimes of sexual abuse perpetrated against children by R.C. Clerics worldwide, of which he was found to be complicit, so it would appear that Ian Paisley in his exalted position within the Free Presbyterian Church, also enjoys immunity from church discipline for his ecumenical compromise. Once again, his own words indict him:

    '“I’m the Pope” declared Ian Paisley a number of years ago on the news media, referring to his absolute and sole power to rotate ministerial posts amongst the DUP in the last Stormont Assembly.”'


    In Christian solidarity,

    June / Ask Dr. Paisley
