Monday 25 October 2010

Paisley's Parlance

Paisley’s Parlance

I read Rev Ian Paisley’s Newsletter article, ‘Digging our way out of recession’, with concern; the comments that he made, were of a completely secular nature, without reference to help that is available from Almighty God. This is quite remarkable, judging by the gravity of the subject matter and by the Christian profession of the writer.

With regard to the global recession, it was man’s rebellion and sin against God that created such an environment where selfishness, greed and the love of mammon prevailed; an environment such as this pushed God to the side and allowed borrowing to spiral out of control. In this regard, as Mr Paisley puts it, ‘digging is an activity either of hope or despair’; to dig in search of God and to search for His will, is indeed hopeful; for man to try and dig himself out of sin is hopeless and will gender despair.

Rev Ian Paisley, said, with respect to the Robinson proposal on integrated education, that there should be a ‘few areas roped off’ and a ‘site map laid out’ before the dig should commence. This is weak drivel coming from a man that once preached separation from any form of compromise with the Church of Rome; moreover, such had been the concern amongst Free Presbyterians against integrated education, that Independent Christian Schools were established. The Robinson proposal clearly states that, a commission could be established to look at ways of accommodating both sides regarding religious education and assembly practices.

Since God’s call to evangelical Protestants, is to come out of the camps of compromise and error; then spread out the site map of God’s Word, and rope off any proposal for a secular based education system. Rev Ian Paisley said in conclusion to his Newsletter article, ‘sometimes I just don’t dig it’; can I say, as a former Free Presbyterian licenced minister, after having read the article, ‘I just don’t dig it’.

Rev Mervyn Cotton (Heb13:6)

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