Sunday 6 March 2011

Real Error in the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster 1

Evidence of Real Error in the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster 1

This denomination, founded by Rev Ian Paisley was established to champion the cause of evangelical Protestantism against a backdrop of ecclesiastical, backsliding, compromise, ecumenism and apostasy. The Biblical doctrine of ‘separation’ or holiness, which is considered to be; separation from sin and error on the one hand, and separation unto God and truth on the other; this was a pivotal aspect of Free Presbyterianism.

Such texts as the following were frequently used; ‘Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,’ (2Cor6:17) ‘Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?’ (2Cor6:14) ‘Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.’ (Rev18:4)

The preaching of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster, called people out of what it called ‘apostasy’ and ecumenism; it warned against unequal partnerships and relationships in every walk of life: it warned against political association with what it called Dublin rule and castigated Unionist and Alliance politicians for selling Ulster Protestantism down the river. It was common knowledge that Free Presbyterian pulpits were sometimes used as political platforms to voice DUP principles and values; after all the same man was leader of the Church and the DUP.

Prayer meetings were held in Free Presbyterian churches in support of DUP enterprise; in fact days of prayer and fasting were observed to ‘smash the Anglo Irish Agreement’. Then suddenly everything changed; Rev Ian Paisley and his colleagues entered into secret dialogue with IRA Sinn Fein to explore power sharing; he also, eventually went into dialogue with the Roman Catholic leadership. The outcome was that he signed up to political power sharing, with unrepentant convicted terrorists, at St Andrews.

As moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster, Rev Ian Paisley sat down with, and fellowshipped with unrepentant terrorists; this is something that he condemned others for doing: this is the very thing that Free Presbyterians called ‘apostasy’. To this day the Free Presbyterian Church has yet to throw this man out of his pulpit and to discipline his supporters for bringing the real error of ‘Compromise’ into the Church.

The first real error found in the Free Presbyterian Church is that of ‘Compromise’; to accommodate this heresy, Free Presbyterians had to tread the Word of God, that they formerly preached under foot. So then, ‘Anonymous’ let the debate begin; I will cite two more examples of real error within Free Presbyterianism shortly, which, no doubt you will have to reflect upon.

Rev Mervyn Cotton (Heb13:6)


  1. Anonymous12:29:00

    I heard from a friend what was said to them by Ian Paisley and his cronies (including Rev Cooke) when some Free Presbyterian churches went to him to make known their unhappiness with his actions and point out to him his error.

    This person is still in the Free church and believes that the problems can be solved by staying within it and living out Scripture. I have no such views.

    He said that they argued on two points - separation, and forgiveness. It was pointed out by Paisley's cronies that they do not agree with unequal yoke in marriage, business and church. But politics, they said, is different.

    On the matter of forgiveness - Paisley was adamant that he would never sit down with Sinn Fein / IRA. It was an exercise in semantics - he was meaning that Sinn Fein and the IRA are different, separate, not inextricably linked - that he would sit down with an IRA-less Sinn Fein. And that we are to forgive "seventy times seven". His belief was that we are not to be the judge of whether or not Sinn Fein / IRA murderers have repented. Only God can judge.

    The latter end of Mr Paisley is a sad sight to see, he was used of God in times past, but I feel that he has "left his first love".

  2. When error in the form of ‘Compromise’ enters a church, every function, principle and value is in grave danger. This malignant error will grow and spread through church government, church discipline and church members, until it finally reaches the pillars of doctrine upon which the fellowship stands. When error reaches here, then the Holy Spirit of God is grieved and the glory of God quickly departs.

    The doctrine of ‘Separation’ has been compromised in the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster by some of its own ministers and office bearers. Staying in such a church is not an option for those that desire to walk with God; remember it was God that called out unto Moses and Aaron when the error of Korah, Dathan and Abiram was uncovered. ‘Separate yourselves from this congregation’ (Num16:21)

    For Rev Ian Paisley and his ministerial colleagues to imply that the doctrine of separation is applicable to every part of the believer’s life but is not applicable to the believer who is a politician, is simply ridiculous. This type of Phariseeism destroys every hermeneutical principle and corrupts Biblical exegesis. This blatant hypocrisy is indicative of the compromise which constitutes serious error in the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster.

    Rev Ian Paisley, together with his Free Presbyterian ministerial colleagues and office bearers, said that they would not sit down with IRA/Sinn Fein; they simply did the opposite. No amount of clever tricks or political spin can alter blatant treachery.
