Monday 7 June 2010

Free Presbyterian Pilgrimage to Dublin

Free Presbyterian Pilgrimage to Dublin

The ‘pilgrimage’ to Dublin was led by Rev Ian Paisley, minister of the Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian church. Mr Paisley sat in the visitor’s gallery of the Irish Parliament before touring the building; later he visited Government Buildings and was welcomed by the Sinn Fein Dail leader. Rev Paisley also met the Irish president and fellowshipped with Bertie Ahern.

As a former political leader, Mr Paisley is perfectly entitled to make such visits whereby he exhibits his complete political u-turn; but as a former moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church, the visit poses many questions. As a Free Presbyterian minister, Rev Paisley preached vehemently against ecumenical dialogue, constantly affirming that any association with Dublin Rule was flirtation with Rome and its teachings. As Rev Paisley, in the eyes of the press has changed his tune, it gives the impression that his church has changed its separatist position as well.

Such a ‘pilgrimage’ will be analysed by political reporters, analysts and politicians; they will undoubtedly see the change in Paisley the politician. On the other hand, Christians will view such a ‘pilgrimage’ with grave concern, dismay and bewilderment; they will be wondering, that if a man such as Rev Ian Paisley can change his political position so dramatically, then what compromises have taken place spiritually. Perhaps they will consider that such a visit would not have been made some years back and then reflect what has happened to a preacher that once supported the Reformed Faith. Will anyone ever notice the change in Paisley the preacher?

Rev Mervyn Cotton.


  1. Rev. Cotton,

    It is becoming increasingly apparent to me that Ian Paisley's politics determine his religion. I say this advisedly.
    I do not personally know the man, and therefore the perception I have of him has been formed solely on the basis of what others have written about him who do know him, and / or have known him. I must exercise the same discernment when considering the ministries of other high profile Christian ministers, i.e., Billy Graham, whom Ian Paisley has so vigorously denounced as an ecumenist, of which I now believe applies equally to Ian Paisley.

    In addition, I have read countless news items and commentary about Ian Paisley from both his sworn enemies and his former supporters, all of which make me suspect of his motives.
    It is said of some preachers that they are greatly used of God. Conversely, it can be said of other preachers that they greatly use God, with a view to promoting and advancing their own agenda and furthering their own interests, and not the Cause of Christ and His interests.
    I cannot rule out the very real possibility that Ian Paisley is included in the latter group. This opinion I have formed very carefully and objectively.

    What I cannot comprehend is the immunity he enjoys from criticism and/or censure from the FPC Presbytery? ?

    In Christian solidarity,

    June / Ask Dr. Paisley

  2. Rev. Cotton,

    The same hypocrisy that Ian Paisley pointed out in Billy Graham in his article entitled 'Billy Graham's Tragic Romeward Run' can be seen in Ian Paisley today. I will submit but one to make the point, but many more can be cited.

    Source: Christian News and Views: Newsletter & Resource Page

    Note how Paisley points out the hypocrisy of Billy Graham in this excerpt:

    “How can he stand on a platform with President Clinton who marched into Washington for his inauguration ceremony officially accompanied with practicing homosexuals and lesbians. Graham turned and said that the Lord would be with him. The Lord is not with those that practice sodomy, and Billy Graham, and let me say it, Billy Graham has identified himself with a man who is out to change the rules of the United States Army so that practicing sodomites can live in the dormitories. It is no wonder the American mothers are up in arms. Would you like to send your son into an army barracks where homosexuality is practiced?

    Billy Graham was there eulogizing that man, and when he did that he took part in the act of sodomy; he was identifying himself with Sodom's sins, and the curse of Sodom will be upon him. Let us be absolutely straight about this matter. If people run with the devil's crowd they cannot have God's blessing.”
    Now consider how Ian Paisley indicts himself of the very same hypocrisy / duplicity as evinced by his dual role as politician / preacher in his statement made in the context of Equality Legislation that grants monies to the sodomite cause:

    'The office of First Minister and the Deputy First Minister is totally committed to promoting equality of human rights, and the First Minister and the Deputy First Minister are completely opposed to any form of discrimination or harassment”

    'Paisley tells Stormont: 'My boy may end up working on gay legislation'.
    The Daily Mail (London, England) Jun 12, 2007

    How can such a statement be reconciled to His Stand for CHRIST?
    The GOSPEL MINISTER has avowed to uphold God's laws at all times and to stand for all that Christ is for and all that He is against.
    The politician must uphold the law of the land, as he has taken an oath to do so.

    It is sheer hypocrisy to preach against sin on Sunday and legislate it on Monday!

    In Christian solidarity,

    June / Ask Dr. Paisley
