Saturday 27 February 2010

Paisley puts Protestantism at Risk

Paisley Puts Protestantism at Risk

Rev Ian Paisley, former moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church and leader of its political wing, the DUP, has put evangelical Protestantism under considerable threat. Presently he is actively engaged in supporting the power sharing executive at Stormont between his party and Sinn Fein, with the evident approval of the Free Presbyterian Church.

Mr Paisley was once an advocate of separation from religious and political compromise, but now encourages power sharing with a party that has neither repudiated, nor condemned the Sinn Fein oath.

This oath is available on line, and states the following:-

"I swear by Almighty God, by all Heaven, by the Holy and Blessed prayer book, of the Roman Catholic Church, by the Holy Virgin Mary Mother of God, by her bitter tears and wailing’s, by St Patrick, our Blessed and adorable Host, the Rosary to fight until we die in the field of red gore of the Saxon tyrants and murderers. Of our glorious nationality, if spared to fight until not a single trace is left to tell that the Holy soil of Ireland was trodden by these Heretics.

Also these Protestant robbers and brutes, these unbelievers of our faith, will be driven into the sea, by fire, the knife or by poison cup until we of the Catholic faith and avowed defenders of the Sinn Fein action and Principles, clear these Heretics from our lands. Age is not to be considered in our blessed deeds of extermination of Brutes who in ages past have robbed our churches. We must shed streams of blood of these tyrants to again claim our Holy places.Report to our Blessed priests regularly upon all works and business transactions.

Any cost we must work in secret, using any method of deception to gain our ends, towards the destruction of all Protestants and the advance of the Priesthood and the Catholic faith.Our Beloved Ireland has been held in chains by these cursed foreign tyrants for ages, now we can see the end of their power.We must strike at every opportunity using all methods of causing ill felling within the Protestant ranks, and in their business.

The employment of any means will be Blessed by our earthly fathers the Priests, thrice Blessed by His Holiness the Pope. Scotland must also be swept clean of their accursed beliefs by the extermination of all Masonic and all such bodies as do not accept our creed must perish, as before the days of the accursed Reformation.So shall we of the Roman Catholic Church and faith destroy with smiles and Thanksgiving to our Holy Father all who reject our beliefs. So help me God."

With such a threat hanging over those of the Reformed Faith, it is difficult to understand how such a political agreement could be seen as fair and equitable. Here is a section of Ulster society, discriminated against, under threat, openly vilified and under penalty of death, because of their religious belief. Is this an example of equality for all? Where is the parity of esteem here? Where has civil and religious liberty gone?

In any tolerant society, such incitement to hatred language must be removed from offending organisations. Such an oath must be repudiated and denounced, in the strongest terms by all right thinking people, irrespective of religious persuasion.

Rev Mervyn Cotton (Heb13:6)

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